Welcome to our branch website.
Cardiff and Vale UNISON Health Branch represents:
All Staff in Cardiff and Vale UHB.
Also staff in Private Care Homes, Health Centres, Clinics etc in South Glamorgan.
Nurses, health care assistants, porters, therapists, maintenance workers, community workers, office workers, technicians, managers, supervisors etc, etc.
NHS & Non NHS Staff
Anyone employed in healthcare basically.
Our branch has members based in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan and remotely stretching as far as Wrexham in the north and Carmarthen in the west.
UNISON is Britain's biggest union, representing almost 1.3 million people across the UK's public services.
On this site you can:
UNISON is the largest trade union in the United Kingdom with over 1.3 million members.
The union was formed in 1993 when three public sector trade unions, the National and Local Government Officers association(NALGO), the National Union of Public Employees (NUPE) and the Confederation of Health Service Employees (COHSE) merged.
Cardiff & Vale UNISON Health Branch
We have members in South East Wales, where the branch is based, and also, as far spread as North and West Wales, but we don't know about each other. We need contact with all our members to forge strong links. The more we know about you, the better we can support you.
Remember we are all together in UNISON. You might be a lone member in the extremities of the branch, but YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There is a mighty branch supporting you.
CARDIFF & VALE UNISON HEALTH BRANCH will represent our members wherever they are. If necessary our representatives will travel across Wales to look after you.
We are building a very strong branch and we want you to be a big part in it. Use our CONTACT US page to drop us a line; Tell us who you are? , where you work?, what you do and any problems you have? Send us photos and we can post them in our gallery.
If you're interested in becoming a representative: Do something about it! CONTACT US.
A representative for the branch can be as simple as operating a mailbox or as complex as being an officer of the branch. Do as much as you can. If we all do a little etc. etc.
1 |
Branch Chairperson
Dawn Ward |
2 |
Vice Chairperson
Bill Salter |
3 |
Branch Secretary
Mike Jones |
4 |
Assistant Branch Sec (3)
Julia Davies Mathew Thomas |
5 |
Roisin Kirby |
6 |
Assistant Treasurer
Rachel Lloyd-Jones |
7 |
Black Members Officer
Roisin Kirby |
8 |
Communications Officer
Vacant |
9 |
Disability Officer
Abigail Bernard |
10 |
Education Co-ordinator
Madeleine Smith |
11 |
Equality Officer
Dawn Ward |
12 |
Green / Environmental Officer
Madeleine Smith |
13 |
Health & Safety Officer
Bill Salter |
14) 15) 16) |
H&S Advisors (3)
Janice Aspinall Andrew Palmer Andrew Pritchard |
17 |
International Officer
Cyrille Legras |
18 |
LGBT Officer
Helen Anderson |
19 |
Membership Services Officer
Mathew Thomas |
20 |
Recruitment Officer
21 |
Retired Members Officer
Elected within Self Organised Group |
22 |
ULR Learning Co-ordinator
Cyrille Legras |
23 |
Women’s Officer
Lorna McCourt |
24 |
Welfare Officer
Bill Salter |
25 |
Youth Officer
UNISON is the UK's largest healthcare trade union - over 400,000 people who work in the NHS and for private contractors providing NHS services are UNISON members.
Our health members are nurses, student nurses, midwives, health visitors, healthcare assistants, paramedics, cleaners, porters, catering staff, medical secretaries, clerical and admin staff and scientific and technical staff.
And that's not all of us!
UNISON is a powerful voice for working people in the United Kingdom. We have over 1.3 million members working in public services, the community and voluntary sector and for private companies.
We represent our members in many ways, offering help and advice at work, raising your professional/local concerns or by highlighting issues that will affect all health workers at a national level. We work together to make sure our members' concerns are heard - whether itis about pay, health and safety, discrimination or the future of our NHS.
But there is more to UNISON than looking after people at work. We care passionately about the future of the NHS as a publicly funded service that is free at the point of delivery. This makes campaigning to stop the increasing involvement of the private sector in the provision of health care services a priority for us.