Cangen Iechyd UNSAIN Caerdydd a'r Fro Cardiff & Vale UNISON Health Branch
Cangen Iechyd UNSAIN Caerdydd a'r FroCardiff & Vale UNISON Health Branch





We make every effort to provide our customers with the best value and highest quality services at all times.

Experience! Reliability! Expertise!

Our solid experience in the field and long list of previous projects completed demonstrate our reliability as a business partner. By choosing our team, you will benefit from our expertise, dedication and availability throughout your projects. You can be sure that together we will drive your business development in the right direction.

For support and advice phone: 02921848280 or 07918073686                                           Email:

Click the link to see the pay award 24/25 

Recruitment/Engagement Events





6th November UHL 

14th November UHW


 You can join online or by asking your local rep.




Have you received your U magazine yet?




Check your details are up to date!



Have you received the latest copy of U, Unison’s free quarterly magazine? 
If not your membership details could be out of date. Have you moved house without telling us for instance?
If your details are out of date you could be missing out on important information from your union.
To check or update your details go to and click on the My Unison link. Or scan the QR code below!


Delegates from Cardiff & Vale UNISON Health Branch addressing Health Conference at Bournmouth 2023.


Branch Chair and Equalities Officer, Dawn Ward, spoke about safer staffing levels in the NHS (Motion 33).


Branch Disabled Members Officer, Steve Gauci, spoke about mental health and wellbeing of branch officers and rep's (Composite B - Motion 21, 22).


Disabled members Officer, Steve Gauci, addressing conference about working from home and the cost of living crisis (Motion 13).


Welsh Regional Delegates at this year's annual UNISON Health Conference in Bournmouth.


Conference debates ambulance and privatisation issues and discusses how to make the union ‘ballot ready’

19 April 2023

Health workers and activists on the brink

UNISON health conference is told: ‘Everyone in this room is carrying the trauma of the last three years’


Four motions on pay covering the recent NHS offer, the pay review body, flat rate pay uplifts and a nurses only pay spine, were debated in Bournemouth


Campaigns on overtime, reducing the working week and protecting the NHS pension were among the other key topics discussed by delegates

Last Years Pay Circular 2022/23

Unison Women's Conference 2023

Hundreds of trade unionists gathered for major rallies to protect the right to strike in Cardiff and Swansea.


We have today published a round-up of all the incredible rallies held in Wales yesterday to support the right to strike.


The story is available here and also on our FacebookTwitter and Instagram pages.


Please take a look, like and share as this will make a huge difference.


Important pensions info:

Dear All


Staff will be aware that the 2022/3 pay rates will apply from tomorrow’s pay date, however, they may not realise that the pension contribution rates have also been reviewed in line with the pay increase as per the NHS Pensions Agency rules.


As a consequence there will be a change in pension contribution tiers for staff in Bands 3, 5 and 8a and these are backdated to 1 April which means that:  

  • staff in Band 3 and Band 5 will see an overall increase in their September pay, but for some (depending on length of service)  this may be less than many will be expecting given the pay award
  • staff at entry level (ie less than 5 years service) at Band 8a will actually have a reduction in salary in September 2022 because the pay award increase is actually less than the increase in their pension contributions.   


However, please note that there are new pension rates for these bands from 1 October 2022 which will see the % contribution reduce for these bands.   This means that for Band 8a entry level staff they will see an increase from their August salary but not until October.   


I appreciate that this is complicated but the attached guidance provides further information about how the September salary will be affected.    Also attached is information about the new rates coming into force from 1 October which includes a link to more information from NHS Employers.   


Please can you share this information asap with team members, especially those who may see a drop in salary when they are paid tomorrow.  


Finally, please note that within Wales we have introduced a means for staff who are experiencing hardship as a consequence of these changes to receive an advance of up to £200 to be repaid over 1-5 months.     Please can you make staff aware of this and if appropriate arrange the advance and repayment by using the attached authorisation form and forwarding it





Rachel Pressley


Dirprwy Bennaeth Sicrwydd a Phrofiad y Bobl  | Deputy Head of People Assurance and Experience

Pobl a Diwylliant  | People and Culture

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a’r Fro | Cardiff and Vale University Health Board


Ty Coetir                               Woodland House

Ffordd Maes Y Coed        Maes Y Coed Road

Caerdydd                              Cardiff 

CF14 4HH                              CF14 4HH


Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn y Gymraeg neu’r Saesneg
We welcome correspondence in Welsh or English

NHS Pension Scheme contribution rate changes (England and Wales)



From 1 October the amount that members of the NHS pension scheme pay into the scheme may change when changes to the contribution rates come into effect. These changes may affect monthly take-home pay.

Employer contributions remain at 20.6% of pensionable earnings each month. The amount of pension received in retirement will not be affected by these changes.

NHS Employers have materials, including posters, about the new contribution rates.

Branches should ensure employers are communicating the impact of these changes to scheme members.






Image removed by sender.

Read the key messages to staff from NHS Employers


Hi All 


Please find link below regards the impending pension contributions increases for the majority of membership and link to NHS employers which covers Wales from the pension perspective. Have also attached the employer messages. This can be used in conversations with members  as another reason why £1,400 is not enough.

What will the NHS pay award mean for me?

Peter is living on bread and soup! See the tv news interview on the link below:

FINAL 220722 EM PN NHS pay review.docx
Microsoft Word document [21.5 KB]
Written Statement.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [144.9 KB]

Report on Unison Health Conference 2022

Monday 25th -   Wednesday 27th April.

By Bill Salter

Health Conference Bill Salter Report 202[...]
Microsoft Word document [970.7 KB]

UHB’s People and Culture Plan 2022-2025

Adobe Acrobat document [2.2 MB]
2021 - Pay Enhancements - 02_2021 - PDF.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [405.1 KB]

Our local services face catastrophic cuts. Help us stand up for them and take action now

Brand new: Crumbling to dust in front of our eyes

We've made an exciting new film to highlight how our vital local services are disappearing, in front of our very eyes – and how we can all help save them. And it launches today!

Encourage your members to watch and share the film, email their MP (or MSP or AM) and find out how bad the cuts are where they live.

Our exciting new film – watch and share
Email your MP now – it takes seconds
Where you live – what are the cuts like?
The campaign page – all the stuff you need









It is important that you keep your personal details up to date.



Have you moved address, changed your telephone number or email address?



If you have, you need to update this information by either:


 visiting and following the My UNISON link, or 


by contacting the Branch Office.




From Cardiff to Chad: An incredible journey!


The remarkable story of how a nurse from Cardiff & Vale UHB saved hundreds of thousands of lives and earned herself an MBE.


Angela also happened to be an officer of Cardiff & Vale Unison Health Branch.


Read the inspiring story of Angela Gorman: 


From Cardiff to Chad: a neonatal nurse’s extraordinary career

UNISON launches new guide on pension fund engagement and divestment from companies involved in the occupation of Palestine


Stay up to date with our branch app!



Scan the QR code below to download.




App created by


Dear Colleague,




Nine Welsh local authorities have already signed up to the Robin Hood Tax. Is your council one of them? We want all UNISON Cymru Wales branches to encourage their councils, AM and MP to sign up to the Robin Hood Tax, which could potentially deliver millions of pounds for public services in Wales.


Robin Hood Tax resources are attached for your use.


The PowerPoint presentation is also attached and below is a link to the councillor’s hub with model motions and briefings etc.


With best wishes,


Dominic MacAskill 
Regional Manager Rheolwr Rhanbarthol 
The Courtyard / Y Libart 
Wind Street 
Swansea / Abertawe 
SA1 1DP 
Phone / ffon: 01792 483918
e-mail / e-bost:



How to set up internet access for the ES[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [391.4 KB]
My ESR App.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [236.3 KB]
ESR Self Service Portal.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [601.3 KB]
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