About Us
UNISON members are people working in the public services, for private contractors providing public services and the essential utilities. They include manual and white collar staff working full or part time in local authorities, the NHS, colleges and schools, the electricity, gas and water industries, transport and the voluntary sector.
Most people join a union because they want protection at work - help with pay and conditions of service, legal or health and safety advice or representation in case things go wrong at work. That's what we're here for. UNISON negotiates on pay and working conditions at every level - local, regional and national. But we also do a lot more. Being a UNISON member gives you a range of benefits and unbeatable deals.
Every member of UNISON belongs to a local branch which is made up of people working for the same employer.
Local stewards are there to represent you at work and help find the answers to your problems. They are volunteers and play a vital role in recruiting new members and organising your branch. If you have a problem, talk to your local steward. If they can't handle the problem on their own, they can talk to other branch officers or full - time union experts on your behalf.
Anyone can face problems at work sometimes but if you are a member of UNISON, you don't have to face them alone. We can provide advice or representation on things like pay, rotas, leave and sickness procedures. We are also there to help you make sure your workplace is healthy and safe, support you in case of disciplinary action, dismissals or redundancy
1 |
Branch Chairperson
Dawn Ward |
2 |
Vice Chairperson
Bill Salter |
3 |
Branch Secretary
Mike Jones |
4 |
Assistant Branch Sec (3)
Joe Monks Gareth Roach Julia Davies |
5 |
Roisin Kirby |
6 |
Assistant Treasurer
Rachel Lloyd-Jones |
7 |
Black Members Officer (Job Share) |
Roisin Kirby Nyeasha Nicely-Price |
8 |
Communications Officer
Gareth Roach |
9 |
Disability Officer
Steve Gauci |
10 |
Education Co-ordinator
Mathew Thomas |
11 |
Equality Officer
Dawn Ward |
12 |
Green / Environmental Officer
Madeleine Smith |
13 |
Health & Safety Officer
Bill Salter |
14) 15) 16) |
H&S Advisors (3)
Andrew Palmer Andrew Pritchard Mathew Thomas |
17 |
International Officer
Cyrille Legras |
18 |
Labour Link Officer
Lorna McCourt |
19 |
LGBTQ Officer
Victoria Grace McKensie |
20 |
Membership Services Officer
Mathew Thomas |
21 |
Recruitment Officer
Vacant |
22 |
Retired Members Officer
Melvena Richards |
23 |
ULR Learning Co-ordinator
Madeleine Smith |
24 |
Women’s Officer
Lorna McCourt |
25 |
Welfare Officer
Bill Salter |
26 |
Youth Officer
Vacant |
The Office at UHW
Cardiff and Vale UNISON Branch Office
telephone: 02920748280
email: Unison.Office.UHW@wales.nhs.uk
Unison Office
Residential Road
University Hospital Wales
Heath Park
The Branch Office is administered by Nicola Hobbs, Jonathan Bennett and Geraldine Lissenberg
Cardiff And Vale UNISON Health Branch is run by a branch commitee and supported by skilled staff, locally, regionally and nationally.
If you would like to contact any of the Officers or Stewards please do not hesitate to contact them via our branch office on: 02920 748280
Health & Safety |
Unison believes health and safety in the workplace is an issue for everyone. Unions and health and safety laws save and protect lives; therefore we are campaigning for a new way of working, one that guarantees every worker a safe and healthy workplace. |
Education |
Responsible for organising and delivering Professional Learning & Development accredited training to all branch officers, representatives, ensuring all reps are fully proficient in all aspects of representation / consultation and negotiating skills for Unison members within Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust. Through our learning and organising services Unison offer a wide range of learning opportunities ranging from basic skills through to professional level qualifications for Unison Activists and members. |
Life Long Learning |
Working in partnership to lead and manage the role of the Unison Life Long Learning representatives ensuring they are fully proficient with all aspects of Life Long Learning, Learning and Development training programmes, Funding, Numeracy and Literacy skills, NVQ, Return to Learn, Open University Courses, passing on these development opportunities to staff. |
Disability |
Ensuring disabled people do not experience discrimination at work. Unison challenges discriminatory actions and campaigns for a fair deal for disabled members |
Women’s |
Ensuring women are able to participate fully in trade union activity and play a part in decision making. Also to campaign, support and represent on women’s issues, such as maternity leave, child care, domestic abuse, part time working etc. |
Equalities |
Covering six main equality strands: Gender, Sexual orientation, Disability, Age, Religion and Belief and having a fundamental knowledge of human rights. Ensuring public authorities abide by their now legal obligation to promote equality of opportunity and eliminate discrimination. |
Publicity |
Ensuring all issues relevant to Unison are publicised within Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust. For further information contact 02920 748280. |
Welfare |
A unique service providing support exclusively for Unison members and dependants at time of special need. There is also a free and confidential debt advice referral scheme. Ensuring Unison members are offered a confidential service offering advice for themselves and their families, including: Debt advice, Financial assistance, Personal advice, Breaks and Holidays. |
Retired Members |
Ensuring Unison retired members continue to receive Legal Advice, Welfare Support, Special Discounts and offer on a wide range of financial and other services
Youth |
Young workers need UNISON – UNISON needs young members. UNISON wants young members to play a full part in union activities. At the same time we know for many young people it can be difficult getting time off work for union activity, being taken seriously, or speaking out with confidence in a room full of older people who can give the impression they know it all. That's why we have created a young members organisation in UNISON which is designed to: encourage recruitment and participation by young members; provide a voice for young members; give young members the chance to develop their skills and knowledge; support young members in becoming active in the wider union.
Trade Unions exist to improve working lives of members. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender workers face harassment and discrimination. Unison aims to increase awareness of LGBT rights and to campaign for change.
What is a UNISON representative?
The UNISON workplace representative is the most important link between the union and its members. Workplace representatives play a number of roles.
They are organizers’ who talk to, recruit and organise members around workplace issues, hold meetings, undertake surveys and help run ballots.
They give members information about union issues by publicising UNISON campaigns, distributing leaflets and keeping members informed about and involved in local negotiations.
They are advisers and sounding boards, talking to members about workplace problems and - if they feel confident - giving advice on how to deal with these.
Alternatively, they may arrange for the member to get advice or assistance from elsewhere in the union, or work with them to obtain the information they need.
They are representatives and spokespersons for members in their workplace.
Where they feel confident and have received appropriate training, they accompany members in meetings and assist them in raising problems with managers before these get out of hand.
Otherwise they seek advice and support from other union representatives. They also have an important role in ensuring that the views of the members within the workplace are represented to the wider union.
They are the workplace representative in UNISON - an essential part of a large and powerful national organisation.
All workplace representatives and members belong to a local UNISON branch, which is their main source of advice and support. In turn, branches belong to one of UNISON's regions which integrate with the national structure.
This way UNISON provides strong and effective organisation for all our members and their representatives
If you are interested in becoming a workplace representative we would be very pleased to hear from you?
e.mail us: unison.office.uhw@nhs.wales.uk
or phone the Branch Office: 02920748280