UNISON Learning Representatives Page

What is LAOS?


UNISON routes to learning for representatives and members



UNISON Learning and Organising Services (LAOS) co-ordinates trade union education and lifelong learning opportunities for members. This includes training and development for union reps as well as personal and career development courses ranging from Skills for Life through to professional qualifications. We also offer learning discounts and a small educational grants scheme.


Dyslexia – In Our Own Words

This will help UNISON activists, especially union learning reps, to understand dyslexia and how they can support members who are dyslexic, or suspect they might be. It includes tips on organising around dyslexia in the branch.

Learning for Everyone: A ULR toolkit for developing informal learning at work

This new toolkit for developing informal learning at work enables Union Learning Reps (ULRs) to help members and potential members into learning and into greater involvement in their branch through short fun informal learning sessions.

Defending members with Skills for Life Needs

When members are threatened with disciplinary action because they seem to have refused to carry out instructions, to follow new rules or to adhere to health and safety policies, Skills for Life (SfL) issues can often be at the root of the problem.

Clive Jenkins European Study Bursary 2011/12

The TUC Educational Trust offers two bursaries of £800 each to enable trade union members to visit a European Union country in 2011/12. The purpose of the visit will be to study, first-hand, an aspect of trade unionism, industrial relations, training or employment.

Branch Welfare Officer Training 2011

The dates of the Branch Welfare Officer Training for 2011 have been confirmed.

Employment Law courses 2011: nationally organised courses

These in-depth employment law courses organised at national level supplement the range of training available at regional level and are aimed at experienced activists.