The Senedd, Welsh Assembly Building, Cardiff bay.
Jane Hutt AM addresses the guests.
Jane Hutt AM, Minister for Finance.
Mark Drakeford AM, Wales Minister for Health and Social Services
Roger McKenzie OBE, Unison Assistant General Secretary.
Margaret Thomas Unison Wales Regional Secretary.
Dawn Bowden, Unison Cymru Wales Head of Health.
Mike Jones, Branch Secretary.
Stuart Egan, Branch Chairman, opened proceedings.
(l-r) Karen Burke, Helen Watkins, Gareth Radcliffe, Mike Ryan, Laura Huish, Eurwen Cartwright, Gillian Frayne & Ceri Mogan.
Above and beyond
Ceri Morgan
Laura Huish
Outstanding Person
Mike Ryan
Gillian Frayne
Eurwen Cartwright
Helen Watkins
Karen Burke
Special Award
Gareth Radcliffe
Ceri Morgan received her certificate in the category of Above and Beyond from Dawn Bowden.
Dawn Bowden also presented Laura Huish with her award in the category of Above and Beyond by
Mike Ryan received his award in the catgory of Outstanding Person from Jane Hutt AM.
Gillian Frayne having received her award in the Education category from Margaret Thomas.
Eurwen Cartwright awarded in the category of Education by Margaret Thomas.
Helen Watkins was presented her award in the category of Partnership by Mark Drakeford AM.
Karen Burke receiving her award in the Partnership category from Roger Mckenzie OBE.